Describing My Hometown

18 December 2019

NIT    : 190808332
Prodi  : D3 Transportation Management
Class  : HOTEL

What's in your hometown ?

1.  The Guci Hot Spring

           At the place I live, their are tourist attraction that are very beautiful & favorite to visit, namely the tourist attraction of Guci. Guci is a hot spring bath.

There are lot of game rides such as cable car, ordinary swimming pool, heated swimming pool, and hill of love.

         Not only swimming pool s, there are also public hot spring bath like rivers. The hot water is directly from its source  from the foot of Mount Slamet. It's said that Guci's hot spring bath have a waiting place, the Naga Cerek. But they are all myths. Hot water can cure various diseases such as skin diseases. There are also many guesthouses for the most distant tourist. After you take a bath in a hot tub, you can immediately order various foods such as roasted corn, mendoan, ginger milk, and sate kelinci. The location is in the village of Guci, Bumi Jawa sub district, Tegal. When it rains, the place is very cold because it is located in the highland. You can buy a variety of souvenirs such as T-shirts with the words "Guci" and Tegal's Batik.

2.   Cacaban Reservoir

        The second place is the cacaban reservoir. A reservoir close to where I live. There you can enjoy the view of the sunrise while drinking coffee in the morning. There you can also ride a boat in the reservoir at a cost of 10 thousand rupiah. You can surround the reservoir for half an hour.

After you get on the boat, you can also climb the tree house and it's free.

There are also many freshwater fish dishes such as carp, telapin fish, warder fish & shrimp pond, with fresh vegetables and chili paste. Unfortunately, there I still haven't found a typical souvenir cacaban. The location is in cacaban village, Karanganyar district, Tegal.

     Not only that, you can also see the local culture in Cacaban, which is to offer buffalo head offerings in the Cacaban reservoir. Not only that, you can also see the local culture in Cacaban, which is to offer buffalo head offerings in the Cacaban reservoir. Once a year the Cacaban people hold this culture. Tegal Regent Mrs. Umi Azizah also attended the event. Because the culture is the culture of Tegal Regency, especially Cacaban. I am very happy to find that in the area where I live, there are many interesting places and local culture. That's all from me if I'm wrong in saying I apologize profusely.

See you next time


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