Describing Daily Activity

20 December 2019

NIT    : 190808332
Prodi  : D3 Transportation Management
Class  : HOTEL

What's your Daily Activity ?

Pencak Silat

     Hello everyone, I have a very astonishing activity. Yes it can hurt too. Namely pencak silat. I love the pencak silat sport that started from me from watching action movies.

And eventually I became interested in following  and studying pencak silat. I began to practice until I could master the moves. The moment that I'm proud of and I will never forget is taking part in a pencak silat competition, called "Pasang Giri Asad".

      A week before the match starts I train with my friend's. I practiced until I could master the moves that had been taught by my pencak silat teacher. I was trained with hard work and enthusiasm. When the match "Pasang Giri Asad" started, I and my friends were optimistic that they could win first place in the pencak silat.


  And finally after my friends and I appeared on the jury declared that my pencak silat team won 1st place with 100 team participants. I'm proud that my hobby has a positive impact on myself and many benefits. And not only that, pencak silat also helps protect ourselves and others. And healthy for the body.

      My experience studying martial arts is that I became a disciplined and courageous person. The purpose of discipline here, I have a passionate spirit in starting everything. And brave, because I have martial arts, it does not mean that I am arrogant. My goal is to protect me from anyone's threats. That is all from me, that is my hobby, if I am wrong in many words I apologize profusely.


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